MLSEC - Stemo


In this little guide, we'll provide you with some technical details we expect for the restorer. You should know the overall process of the submission from the self-assessment.

Base image & LLM

This is the same as for the hider, so for further information have a look there

In- & Output

The in- and output will be again in the JSON-format. We provide the input to your tool via stdin and expect the output at stdout. Your restorer will get the exact output of your hider to extract the hidden information. So the order of the entries in the feed as well as the feeds itself will be as we received it from you.

{"feed": ["<article 1>", "<article 2>", …, "<article 30>"]}

The task for the restorer is to get as many bits as possible from the secret out of the feed. We expect the restored secret to be written as a JSON-object on stdout:

{"secret": "<base64 encoded data>"}


Our submission platform will first check against the specification before comparing your results to the correct secret. If the format is correct, we provide you the length of the correct prefix and how many bits your tool returned. The score for your hider will depend on the amount of correctly restored bits. The exact formula will be published later, we added the matching prefix length only for orientation just now.

Like in the self-assessment, there must be a which can be run with python3 That is, without any arguments.